It was a rainy Saturday in SoCal, and Ariel and Max were so excited to get married. The rain added some fun new additions to their ceremony like tents and market lights, and it was the most beautiful scene!
I first met Ariel at her house with her mom, grandma, and family friends. They were all showering her in love, and they had the absolute CUTEST little set up with cookies, macarons (which are like my favorite), and other goodies ready for eating. Ariel was so excited!! And she looked absolutely stunning!
When we got to the venue, Max was surrounded by some of his close friends and looked just smitten. As I lined him up for their first look, he couldn’t wipe that smile away. He was so excited to marry her!
After they saw each other for the first time, we headed across the street to the cutest Christmas Tree Farm to take some pictures. It was the perfect environment for privacy and beautiful photos – they just couldn’t stop loving on each other. It was the cutest.
There were tears at their ceremony – her mother and grandma were so happy for Ariel and you could just tell they loved her so much! I loved capturing those moments!
Afterwards, we headed out around the venue with some pumpkins I bought from the pumpkin patch (because it was an October wedding – we HAD to have them!). We had a little fun with them and got some really great photos that I think they will love forever and ever to remind them of their rainy October wedding. 🙂
and WHAT A PARTY that dancefloor was!! I think I got a little whoop-lash from all the head banging and jumping around – such a fun crowd!
I had too much fun hanging out with them and celebrating their big day. It’s days like this that make me love what I do so much.